To true proponents of grass-fed meat, the label indicates that the cattle have only been fed their mother's milk and grass and other greens throughout their lives; and they've had access to pastures during the growing season. When possible, look for a label that says “Certified Grassfed.”
Grass fed beef is, basically, how the animal was raised. The animals eat different varieties of grass and at no time during it's life, given grains. This is different from organic beef because organic beef animals can eat grains, as long as it's organic.
It may take longer for an animal to "finish" on grass because the animal doesn't put on the fat of a conventional counterpart.
Some benefits of grass fed beef are it's much leaner than its conventional counterpart. It's also higher in key nutrients, including antioxidants, vitamins, and a beneficial fat called conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) that's been tied to improved immunity and anti-inflammation benefits. Plus, grass-fed beef packs about 50% more omega-3 fatty acids than standard beef. Grass-fed beef is also less likely to contain “superbugs”—bacteria that have become resistant to three or more classes of antibiotics—so it’s considered superior from a food safety perspective.